A community for discussing Plex Media Server. Plex Media Server is a smart software that makes playing movies, tv shows, and other media on your computer simple.
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Useful Resources
- Plex FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about using Plex Media Server and client apps with many useful links
- Plex App Setup Guide - Visual guide for first-run setup of Plex apps on smart devices
- c/Plex Add-ons Guide - Detailed info on many of the most popular Plex add-ons with links to setup guides and other resources. Mantained for this community.
- Servarr Wiki - The consolidated wiki for Lidarr, Prowlarr, Radarr, Readarr, and Sonarr.
- TRaSH-Guides - Guides mainly for Sonarr/Radarr/Bazarr and everything related to it.
- Awesome-arr - a complete list of Plex-related companion apps, user scripts, etc.
- Plex Hardware Transcoding Cheat Sheet - NVidia GPUs
- Organizing and Naming Your Media Files
- Troubleshooting Server Connections
- Plex User Forums
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So I’m looking to finally build a dedicated plex server, instead of using my personal desktop, but I’m having a hard time deciding on components (for a tower). I would say 3 simultaneous 4k remote transcodes would be the goal.
There are some 12/13600k and Arc A380 bundles on Newegg that have caught my eye; at the very least I think I’d like an A380 to ensure AV1 10-bit support for the future. Am I missing out by not hunting for the perfect deal on an old Xeon or something off of eBay? I’m not really familiar with server components, and I don’t know to what extent I would benefit from ECC RAM.
I also figure that a hard drive array (RAID or Unraid) would be best, because it’ll be more than enough speed for my application and give me some data protection. But I could use some guidance on the exact best combo for video streaming.
Finally, OS; I’m most familiar with Windows, but the I’m willing to try something Linux if there’s enough of a benefit
that sounds like a pretty good setup. most people here probably run on macOS or Linux, so you’ll get as much help here as you want as far as that goes, but Plex runs well on windows, too.
Or you could wait for meteor lake CPUs which will have a HW AV1 encoder too.
Plex haven't even enabled transcode to H265 so it might not happen, but Jellyfin currently supports H265 encode and is previewing AV1 streaming. Perhaps that will spur Plex on to open up the FFMPEG encoder options a bit more and let us tune it to our needs and capabilities, but given the shift away from the piracy focused home media server they might not be prioritising it much.