this post was submitted on 20 Aug 2023
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I disagree, i've found pretty adequate for my needs. I agree the UI isn't great, it reminds me of how Blender used to be, but I use it for all my parametric modelling for 3d printing stuff around the house. Fusion 360 is a better experience overall but to say FreeCAD is garbage seems extreme. If you need hobbyist software and care about your freedoms at all it's worth the slight inconvenience to use FreeCAD instead.
Yeah no, I'm not going to use the excuse about "freedom" to justify shit software.
Good thing nobody's forcing you to use it, right?
If freedom and open source software is of no importance to you, that's perfectly fine, you are in your right, just like I am in mine for bringing up that your take is shortsighted :)
It is the laziest reason to act like FrEeDoM is why people should use shit software. How about making your Open source software as good - god forbid better - than the competition to where people WANT to willingly use it? It is the endless cycle with open-source software where it is clearly written by people who have no clue about the way the very same software they are developing is actually being used. They are programmers, not drafters or engineers. And it isn't just FreeCAD but so much other open source software out there that is junk-grade because someone just wanted to write some code and maybe learn a new programming technique but never went to the trouble of learning HOW that software would actually be used by real users.
In short, this is like the "mom, can we get Solidworks? No we have CAD software at home. The CAD software at home is FreeCAD" meme. oof
The world needs free/libre software. You can complain all you want but at the end of the day freeCAD is the best cad software that is fully libre.
I will say you do make a good point about usability. FreeCAD really needs to rework it's UI
You do realize what sub your in right? This sub is literally about software freedom
And if I see CAD software, I will comment regardless of where the post is made. Simply brushing off the shittiness of the software just because it's open is ridiculous. You realize that right? You shouldn't be blindly defending something just because it is open. How is that beneficial?
It is not the "openness" that matters. What matters is the 4 freedoms. All of the tools you mentioned in your other comments don't respect your freedom
How the hell does a useless tool that can't allow me to do my work "respect my freedom"?!? How absurd are you going to take this?
It respects your freedom because you (and everyone else) have the ability to run, study, modify and distribute the source code.
Please see the description of this sub for more information
You didn't explain how a piece of software that DOESN'T allow me to do my work respect my freedom. It is just wasting people's time and effort, and not respecting anything.
Free =/= good
And if the software isn't at least good, then it is nearly useless.
And the entire "free software" community is at fault for this because it doesn't push developers to actually make good software. It's like soviet Russian cars like the Trabant or Lada. Technically it is a car. Not a good one, but it is a car, so somehow we should be happy with what we got.