this post was submitted on 17 Aug 2023
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Thanks, I will try this and let you know if it works. The file didn't exist so I created it with the following contents because I saw online the option is supposed to go in the monitor section:
I don't know what the identifier should be so I haven't set it.
---- edit
That didn't work for me, I got this error and kodi won't start
I can't work out what that display should be called though
Any ideas?
I spent a few years looking for this solution. I will be able to check the exact config on that system tomorrow. If I forget to reply just send me a message.
The system has an intel onboard gpu, some low powered cpu with hdmi out. It's running Arch with Mesa drivers, hooked directly to TV.
Thanks, I'm pretty sure I found a solution a few years ago but didn't write it down. Then the drive failed so I had to set everything up from scratch again!
Apparently you can put whatever you like in the identifier field and it's not verified by X. So I changed to
That got rid of the error but it still wasn't working.
Trying another method with xset:
I figured out I need to specify a display since I'm connecting with ssh:
This shows me that dpms was still on even after rebooting with the /etc/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf file in place.
Anyway I ran the following commands:
The commands are explained here:
Now an xset query returns:
I also added the commands above to ~/.xinitrc so hopefully they will be run automatically every time
-- edit:
So, although those xset commands work I have to run them every time, the commands in .xinitrc clearly aren't being run.
I have a feeling this is because kodi is being started using xinit run from a systemd unit file so it isn't reading /kodi/home/.xinitrc.
So the plan is to set the home environment variable in the unit file (like below) and see if that works. Will test when the box is free.