this post was submitted on 25 Jul 2023
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@overkill0485 @reflex
I started using Firefox for Android pretty recently and haven't had any complaints so far. I remember trying it many years ago on an older device and not being impressed. But the current version is great on my Pixel 6.
@flamepanther @overkill0485 Yeah, using the Flatpak version of Librewolf on my Fedora install and it's working great. Mozilla has come a long way.
I've been a fan of their desktop browser ever since they split from Netscape. For awhile, they lost their way a little bit in terms of keeping things light and fast. But Firefox feels really snappy again these days!
@flamepanther @reflex @overkill0485 Add me to the Firefox train. Started using it as my primary browser in January and haven’t looked back.