this post was submitted on 13 Aug 2023
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[–] [email protected] 15 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

he’s not the only Trek (or even the only VOY) actor to run afoul of fans because said Bad Things™ on Twitter.

In 2017, Manu Intiraymi, who played Icheb on VOY, tweeted some nasty comments in defense of Kevin Spacey who was accused of sexually assaulting DIS actor Anthony Rapp when he was 14. Not only did Trek fans collectively have an aneurysm (and rightly so), Paramount cut ties with him over the incident. Not long after, his character, Icheb, was killed especially brutally in an episode of PIC— while also portrayed by a different actor. Many interpreted that as those working on Trek telling Intiraymi exactly how they felt about his comments— while also closing the door on his ever returning.