this post was submitted on 05 Jul 2023
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DC Studios
207 readers
7 users here now
Welcome to DCStudios, a community for discussing all things related to DC TV/Film productions including,
- DC Universe (DCU), the universe created by James Gunn & Peter Safran.
- Batman Epic Crime Saga , the shared universe for Matt Reeves's The Batman.
- DC Elseworlds projects, typically standalone.
- DCEU, the now ended shared universe that started with Man of Steel (2013), sometimes called the Snyderverse.
This community is a place to discuss, share and generally have fun with all things DC Studios.
Upcoming DCU Film:
- Superman - Jul 11, 2025
- Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow - Jun 26, 2026
- Clayface - Sep 11, 2026
Upcoming DCU TV:
- Peacemaker - Season 2 - Aug 2025.
Upcoming other projects:
- The Batman - Part II - Oct 1, 2027 (Batman Epic Crime Saga)
DCU Discussion
Batman Epic Crime Saga Discussion
Elseworlds Discussion
Community Guidelines
- Be constructive. As a community this is place for discussion, things you liked, things you didn't like, any everything in between. Low effort comments don't add to the discussion.
- Be civil. Disagreements happen. Don't attack others. Take a moment and reconsider before you post an inflammatory comment in all caps.
- No spam. Please don't post spam, trolling or other low effort content. If you're a human and you saw something interesting or had an interesting thought, you're probably fine.
- Memes are allowed. We're a small community, feel free to post memes or similar content. Funny things are good. If it becomes a problem we can discuss changing the rules.
In addition like any community we follow the Lemmy.World content policy rules. In short, don't attack people or groups.
Spoiler Guidelines
- Be mindful when posting spoilers or spoiler content.
- If you're making a post put "(Spoilers)" at the start of your post.
- If your post is an image mark it as NSFW.
- If you're making a comment use the Lemmy spoilers markdown.
When should something no longer be considered a spoiler? In general use your best judgement. If want something more specific,
- For films, wait until it's been released to streaming for at least a few weeks.
- For TV shows, consider the whole season as a spoiler until the last episode of the season has aired, then wait a few weeks.
Related Communities:
founded 2 years ago
Does anyone have a link to all the confirmed castings?
I will make a thread for all the confirmed castings soon.