this post was submitted on 28 Jul 2023
62 points (97.0% liked)

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Update: 7-30-23

Added images to an album at imgur with proof showing the bill has the correct website written three times on the bill. Also, showing the address to both locations (As each other claim the other does not exist), and google maps showing Centura locations.

Update: 7-31-23

Like the energizer bunny, the stupid at this company keeps going and going and going and going.

Difficult getting a real human, so try to setup an automated payment via the automated system. Well, not my first time with this company, so don't trust them at all. Call back to verify, go through hoops and hurdles to get a real person. Nope, I only made a payment, ok, let me setup a payment plan. Ok, do you want to remove the payment you setup as that will not be added to your payment plan? What? Instead of paying x, you'll be paying x+y...Yeah, let's cancel that. Ok, set up the payment plan. Can I make the payment still? That wouldn't work because of how the payment plan is set up.

Seriously? Is that really that difficult for the programmers to write for your systems?

I tell you, dealing with this company does make me feel a little better. For, even how addled I have gotten, I feel like if they can run a major business, so can I, 🤣

End Update

I don't know a good spot to put this, but maybe this would be a good spot to just vent...It adds to the mental strain that's just absolutely bonkers...Plus, might be something for people to think about if they happen to go to the same hospital business a city over. Just 45 minutes away. Shown as an affiliate of the same business on their own website. 😶

Anyway, I saw a doctor a year ago, got x-rays and had an EKG. Fine. Will get a bill...Fine.

Got a bill in January, 6 months after from Centura...In Ohio...Not Colorado...What?

The statement says to send a payment or log in to their website. I log into their website, enter the account number...Nada...I do it again...Nada...Again, and again, and again...Nothing. So I call the number on the website (as I trust that over some odd bill from an address that I've never seen from this company before). The representative had no knowledge of it. The account didn't exist.

I even checked mycentura account, and I owe nothing...What? What? What?

Well, just yesterday I got a call from this questionable Centura company...finally...And guess what? They don't understand what I'm talking about...It's never been that way...I would never pay to Centura in Denver. Their billing offices are in Cincinnati. How the heck can there be two completely separate entities of the same bloody business?

Holy fuck!

Sorry for the cursing, but unfortunately, this warrants it. It's just so idiotic.

End rant.

[2nd attempt to post this. Removed some curse words and the h word as maybe the filters are a bit wonky or purposefully overly sensitive].

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

A few times now i've gotten a completely unexpected bill from a dr visit, they never told me there would be an out of pocket bill let alone how much it would be or anything when i was at the dr, so i just don't pay it. Iirc if it's less than $400 it won't affect your credit, and it's always been a case where if i had known it would cost so much i just wouldn't have done it. The whole system is bs but if you're not even gonna give me a chance to give fully informed consent i don't feel bad not paying

[–] ChamelAjvalel 4 points 2 years ago

I hate to say it, but I have seriously lost all respect for hospitals. Hell, the whole reason for this rant was because I wanted to find out what happened to my digestive tract by going to a different doctor because the one here was the one who prescribed the meds that did this to me. Now, not only do I have my pains that make living hard, now I have this GERD which makes breathing, thinking, and even eating hard. Plus, for the first time in my life, I'm over weight after being prescribed omeprozole. I ĵust can't bring myself to trust them.