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Calus Mini-tool
Absolutely shreds, and then you add Enhanced Incandescent... 🔥 Paired with a good solar build with Ember of Empyrean, you'll never not be radiant with restoration.
Lol not sure if it’s lesser known but you don’t see it as much any more. I use this all the time on my solar warlock and you’re right. It shreds.
Yeah, fair point. It is actually pretty well known, especially since it was originally from Season of Oppulance. That said, I do feel like the craftable version never got as much attention as it deserves. I feel like funnel web or ikelos are a lot more popular or talked about.
I know a lot of people were underwhelmed by the solar rework at the time (particularly for warlocks), so maybe it just didn't get as much use since people weren't using their solar builds as much.
We need good PvE focused Strand and Stasis SMGs to round out the SMG infinity gauntlet. I know there's some out there but they just don't hit that synergy level those three do IMO. I also tend to get stuck in my ways though.
Yeah, I don't really have a go-to for Stasis. The Immortal, for Strand, is pretty solid if you use have a Threading build since it can drop with the Hatchling perk. It's not craftable, though.