this post was submitted on 25 Jul 2023
36 points (97.4% liked)

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All hope for humanity rests on Fury's shoulders.
S01E06: Home July 26th, 2023 on Disney+ 37m None
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[–] CeruleanRuin 6 points 2 years ago

The bones of it were good. It was just so, so underbaked and half-assed. Like everything else, that big fight could have been great with just a few adjustments. Imagine if G'iah found him in the facility and secretly freed him, and he calls in the suit to even the odds just as Gravik looks about to win? Instead it's a quick battle with no well-defined stakes, that nobody sees.

The reveal that Ritson is a genocidal douche canoe could have been dropped earlier, giving Fury some conflict in whether he actually wants to save him or help him.

The confrontation between Gravik and Fury was really compelling, but again, it happened far too late to make any difference. Almost everything in this episode should have happened in episode 1, and then we could be playing out the consequences of it. Instead it's five episodes of buildup to a nothingburger, with the implications of major consequences we don't get to see until - when? The Marvels? Unlikely. Brave New World? Maybe, but then why bother with this series at all? Just for a prologue to a big movie? What's the actual story here?