this post was submitted on 11 Jun 2023
4 points (100.0% liked)
Gay Fiction
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A place for fans of M/M stories, fan fiction, games, comics/manga/manhwa, TV and movies.
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- No fiction about real people.
- When asking for recommendations, please be specific. For example, just asking for "something like (insert story here)" is too vague. People won't know what specific aspect you're looking for. You can include the names of stories, shows, etc. that fit your criteria, but please specify the trope/character trait/setting you're looking for.
More information about asking for recommendations:
- No requests based entirely on subjective opinions, such as simply asking for "good M/M romances".
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- When asking for age gap recommendations, please specify how big an age gap you mean, e.g. "looking for stories where the main couple has an age gap of 10+ years".
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My most recent was the Big Bad Wolf series by Charlie Adhara. It wasn't my usual venture, but I really enjoyed the pacing, world building, characters, and mystery that each book had.