this post was submitted on 12 Jun 2023
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The very first Kpop song I heard was SNSD's Gee. As a kid I was toying around with a software called MMD and it had some motion files for it which was my first expoisure. Since it was ages ago, Japanese software, and I didn't know what Kpop was, I don't even know if it was the Japanese or Korean version. All I understood was "Gee gee gee gee baby baby".
But the song that got me into Kpop however was 2NE1's I'm The Best. Back then, YT gave you the most random stuff and I just somehow ended up there. But it got me hooked. 2NE1 is still my all time favourite group.
I had a little break from Kpop somewhere since later 2nd gen, but got back somewhere early 3rd gen during the early days of the hallyu wave hitting Europe's mainstream (here the wave hit the shores with, of course, Gangnam style. Followed by BlackPink's debut). Been around again ever since.
Having been around since 2nd gen, I do sometimes feel like an oldie. Especially with most around me being younger and coming in 3rd or 4th gen. But that's cool, it's nice to see more people getting into Kpop!
I'm never visited Kpop concerts, but I'm an avid CD collector. I collect everything I listen to, including but not limited to Kpop. But that collection is still far from complete, altrough growing.