this post was submitted on 20 Feb 2025
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[–] Dashi 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I mean yeah, but if Russia is able to start invading neighbors because they want to, the eastern tip of Russia is a lot closer to the western tip of Alaska that would make a great staging point into north America. At least according to my 14 year old risk strategy anyway. (I got news for Australia though)

All joking aside you have put forth 3 options

  1. Don't care about the war and let Russia do it's thing
  2. Fund the war with money/ arms
  3. Go to war with Russia.

To me it sounds like your taking option 1. Which you have the right to vote/ think is the best way. To me I'm going with option 2 until option 3 is needed. Because if you let a bully get their way they are just going to keep doing it until someone stops them. And I have the right to think that as well.

In this day in age everything is a lot closer than it appears on a map. Cyber incidents are happening all over the world. Russia doesn't need to put troops on the ground in America to attack us, it just needs to meddle in our elections, hack our infrastructure or do any other cyber activities to harm us.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You make good points here. Is there any particular reason you think option 2 is better than option 3? The way I see it, with option 3 the war is over more quickly, Russia is (most likely) defeated and we can finally move on to other orders of business.

[–] Dashi 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I like option 2 better than option 3 because I don't think America should go back to "their is an international issue send troops" mentality. We are known for being to trigger happy with that. While I love the idea of sending troops and putting putin in his place where does that end? Where do we draw the line on when sending troops is acceptable or not? I couldn't say what is right or wrong for sure or if my thoughts are even the right ones to have.

I do know their is a time and a place to send troops I just don't know when that may be in this instance. They are not an "ally" but someone is doing something bad to them. So send equipment/funds is my middle ground.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Very fair take! Respect.