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Rubio’s answer is (intentionally) conflating Hitlers rise to power with his authoritarian regime that occurred after. Hitler absolutely abused the Weimar era Germany’s tolerance of his speech to take power and then destroy both others free speech and commit a genocide. Rubio is entirely wrong with his statement but he knows other idiots will believe it and here we see an entire article that dances around the obvious gaping logic to insist that saying you want to genocide people doesn’t lead to genocide.
Hitler rose to power due to populism. Germans did not support Hitler for genocide. Populism is democracy. Russian communist rose to power due to populism. In both cases, economic policy was at forefront. The problem the liberal elites have today is democracy. Singapore has less democracy, therefore, it is less of problem. Singapore does not have the political instability of Germany.
Hey quick question, how does one spread their populist message?
Might it, perchance, be via a system that allows some kind of speech that might be free?
Hahaha OP didn’t even think one step further with their response.