this post was submitted on 31 Jan 2025
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I'm looking for some recommendations for digital debit/credit cards.

It feels like every other day there's 'the largest data breach in history' and at this point, I really don't trust any entity to safely and securely store PII.

That said, I like buying things on the internet, I'm not into crypto and would rather not include my real card information during checkout.

Any recs would be appreciated, thanks yall!

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

This bit from the article makes me feel a bit better about the whole thing:

A hacked NFC reader would only be able to steal mag-stripe credit card data, not the victim's PIN or the data from EMV chips.

So at least it'd be limited to the mag-stripe data, meaning tokenized payments and tap are still secure for the moment.