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Mexico agreed to do exactly what it's already doing and Fox "News" is too busy fellating the bloated orange turd on what a good special business boy he is. It's all quite pathetic.
So I don't get it. This news shouldn't be reported makes Trump look good?
Are you dumb? They can "report" on whatever they want. But they didn't even note the fact that nothing changed because of this. That was all I said.
If nothing changed, then why did Mexico make this announcement? It sounds to me like they're sending 10k additional troops to the border, which is the exact opposite of "nothing changed".
You could have just answered 'Yes' to my 'Are you dumb?' question. Anyway I'm done trying to get anything across to you. GLHF.
Wait! I remember you! You're that guy that was too dishonest to admit that Elon (the Nazi) did a Nazi salute! It all makes sense now! I'm gonna go ahead and block you. Have a good life, or whatever. LOL!
That's a lot easier to say than "I was wrong, something has actually changed" huh?