narcissists are just people who are better than everyone else
as a so called narcissist i can speak for all narcissists when i say we really just are better than other people
lets go through the diagnostic criteria together let me show you how silly this is
An exaggerated, unfounded sense of their own importance and talents (grandiosity)
im da king of da world
Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited achievements, influence, power, intelligence, beauty, or perfect love
also known as the sigma grindset mindset
Belief that they are special and unique and should associate only with people of the highest caliber
everyone is special and unique okay its just about recognizing it in yourself and everyone knows surrounding yourself with successful people challenges us to be our best selves
A need to be unconditionally admired
so because i want to hurt myself or others when im not shown unconditional admiration that means i have a disorder yeah right okay whatever
A sense of entitlement
you deserve the best things in life frigging therapists say that and now they call me entitled for believing it
Exploitation of others to achieve their own goals
its just business
A lack of empathy
aka a lack of liberal girliness
Envy of others and a belief that others envy them
i envy people with more upvotes than me and people with less envy me thats just natural human behavior
Arrogance and haughtiness
thats called confidence sweaty and if you cant handle it then thats your problem not mine
so if youve been called a narcissist just know youre actually just better than other people and thats why liberals love to call people that because theyre insecure

oh shit duh thats why i havent heard back
last time i did blackface i got in trouble so im just gonna let the aliens kill me when they get here
i told them im only willing to convert if i get to be in charge and they havent come back with a counter offer yet
hell yeah
i portrayed us as chads so no one can tell us this is a bad idea
excellent ill call off work tomorrow for this momentous occasion
going to hell for this will be worth it
hes mostly chill except for that hes famously not chill when it comes to blasphemy but its okay ive always wondered if i could take him in a fist fight so this could be my chance
oh my posters arent trinity jesus so that was His dad that did that
he had to do it all dads have to hit their kids and traumatize them and stuff so they grow up big and strong and stop asking questions
wait what you have a job havent you heard of crypto bro?
bibble coin pump n dump lets gooooooooooooooo!
crypto is why i had to get a job again i lost everything