this post was submitted on 28 Jan 2025
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Switch to what? I said "viable" but I meant realistic. It's not realistic that I will convince two hockey teams, my friends, my brother, my parents, my wife, my wife's parents, my kid's daycare, or anyone else to move to a new platform.
Oh, for sure.
Even though there are numerous easy to switch to, more private, robust, platform agnostic, and synchronizing apps out there.
It's arguable that even Telegram is more private than SMS.
I'm mostly willing to use whatever someone has, provided it's not one of the great offenders like WhatsApp. While I don't care for Signal (mostly becuase it doesn't have desktop sync, yet), I'll happily use it with anyone who has it. Or Teleguard, Telegram, XMPP (my preferred), etc.
I try to talk people into Signal, but no one cares and I look insane.
Were adrift on a ship of fools.
Start sending them faked messages.