this post was submitted on 18 Jan 2025
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I cancelled my proton the other day, right after his post.
As alternatives:
Im still figuring out the drive, thinking of self hosting that too.
Good luck out there.
Besides the password manager (I use Bitwarden) those are strong recommendations. Thanks
Are you happy with bitwarden? Its very tempting ... I'm just concerned about it being in the US, where some agency could "request" data.
Why not just self-host vaultwarden then? Since you seem to already selfhost other managers.
Thats because I was not informed until I read your comment. I honestly didn't know that vaultwarden is what bitwarden self-hosted is called. Thanks. Guess I was ignorant.
I'll give it a try.
Oops, sorry I didn't mean it to sound condescending, my bad.
Yeah, it's pretty easy to run, I just use their docker image.
Backup and how to secure it on the other hand is a frequent discussion on Lemny selfhosted or r/selfhosted
Also see for other OSS apps alternatives.
We have to bring those selfhosted guys over to db0 somehow :D
Goes hand in hand with the "Yarrisms"