Late Stage Capitalism
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You don't think it's important for them to have the ability, the assurance of that? I'm not circling back but rather just trying to help you to understand their pov.
What, you think the government thinks "oh we don't care about having more control over social media, we're not going to use that anyway, might as well let China have that control"? I mean come on lol.
You still think this is about exerting a control they have yet to exercise, instead of the far more obvious thing I've repeated about 5 times and you've ignored each time:
I mean I've always held the view that it's both. It was just the control thing that seemed to be a hangup for you.
It's both, just that it's really about one of them and the other is just a cherry on top.
Don't try to frame this as a hangup of mine and act like you haven't been thoroughly participating in this debate in a way entirely hyperfixated on "it's about control". You're better than that.
I'm not sure how you've been reading this whole thing but it's sorta the part you disagreed with so that's what the discussion became about