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RepliLadies is your go-to community for everything replica luxury fashion! Whether you’re a seasoned pro with tips to share, a curious newbie exploring the world of reps, or somewhere in between, this is a safe and welcoming space for all.
Here, we celebrate our love for luxury fashion—bags, clothes, shoes, and accessories—without the judgment. Our mission is to create a fun and supportive environment where members can:
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Thanks for the info! Just to clarify, when you say 1:1 products, does that mean they’re almost indistinguishable from the originals? And what’s the price range for high-quality reps of brands like Chanel or Hermes?
Yes, there is no difference in quality between 1:1 and the real thing. If you are not a professional, you can hardly tell the difference. The price of a general Hermès product that is fully handmade ranges from US$500 to US$1,500.