Late Stage Capitalism
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If you see an ongoing genocide, and decide that you would rather see it get worse than try to mitigate it, you also condone that genocide. The difference between us is that I want fewer people dead, and you apparently want more
I wanted none, which is why I was not willing to support the ones that was actively allowing them to get killed. Democrats were terrified of what Trump *might *do while having their head up their ass with what their party was actually doing.
I wanted none too, but we both know that wasn't an option. The choice was between more or less, and you thought "eh, we can't have none, so either works for me." You may pretend to have very strong feelings about it, but unless you're planning on doing something really based within the next couple days, strong feelings are indistinguishable from apathy.
Again I ask the question I've asked so many times since november: do you actually think the Palestinian people will fare better under Trump than they would have under Harris?