this post was submitted on 09 Jan 2025
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Given there is no thread for thoughts on the overall series with comments enabled, I shall use this one instead.
The show was fine and fun, and a nice start for the new DCU. Episode 4 remains my favourite episode, and Dr. Phosphorus' back story being preferred among all the back stories.
I could make more discussion threads if people want, but I think for now there is plenty of space for this thread to work. (If we get busier, that can change.)
Overall I liked the show but I wish it had more/longer episodes. Also Circe seemed underutilized, we dropped her a few episodes ago and I feel like she should have been a bigger part of the story.
The Bride's story was my favorite, which is convenient since we're clearly going to get more of that in the future.
As a character, The Bride definitely got more attention in this season
As for Circe, I agree the character was underutilised despite being in majority of the episodes. Episode 4 was her last appearance, IIRC.
Also, considering Eric’s whole arc this season, it was funny as it accomplished nothing. His reunion with The Bride was anticlimactic from Eric’s perspective. From The Bride’s perspective, it was as common as any reunion from their centuries old feud.