Late Stage Capitalism
A place for for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited.
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Ye the world was a peaceful place before capitalism, there were no wars, no slaves and no ...
checks history books
Oh no
Oh no no no no
Scale. It's about scale and centralization. Sure there were slaves but capitalism made more than ever in human history. Sure there were wars but capitalism made them bigger and further away from the rich nations committing them's population.
It's about scale. It's like comparing a single thief to a crime syndicate of organized thieves and saying "well there has always been thieving"
Yes. But never with so much damage.
So you know nothing about the extent of pre-industrial slavery? Because it dwarfs the tiny bit they bought over to the Americas.
Anything to excuse the white man ey wizard?