Late Stage Capitalism
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A famine that wasn't caused by the ideology directly, but by picking the wrong guy to run agriculture. It wasn't communism that caused the famine, it was Trofim Lysenko's unscientific ideology; Lysenkoism. Authoritarian Communism shouldn't count, amd the death tolls of Capitalism, Colonialism, and The Catholic Church have all been higher in total.
... also:
so in total, only 6 million out of 32 million people died due to "communism" / non-free-market-ideology. the others died due to civil turmoil or dictatorship. for reference: the total population in the soviet union at that time was around 150 million people. IIRC
Also, it should be noted that one shouldn't look at these numbers in isolation. There's also a lot of gruesome stuff that happened elsewhere in the world at approximately the same time (or some time earlier). For example, black-african slaves in the US, mass surveillance and executions in germany, Irish potato famine close to England, ...
I have no idea why i just typed this i just wanted to. idk
Lol, yes, the famine in 1945 was all just because of Stalin's ambient evilness. There was nothing else going on at the time that might have affected the USSRs ability to produce food.