Late Stage Capitalism
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Also use the term "Democratic Socialism" to contrast with the other Communist/Socialist ideologies that involves Vanguardism. People hear "Socialism" and think "Big Bad Dictator", I'm like bruh, Socialism and Democracy isn't mutually exclusive, its totally compatible.
I personally prefer libertarian socialism (in particular, anarchism), but I'm down for anything that is not authoritarian and not capitalistic.
all states are authoritarian the nature of the state is authority
Yes, that's why the goal should be to make states obsolete
The only way to accomplish that is with international socialism
That would be ideal, yes
Cause them to wither away, if you will.
So you're not an anarchist.
Very cool argument, very logical and coherent
By all means, tell me about these non-authoritarian countries that you, as an anarchist, believe in.
It’s arguably not socialism without democracy in some form. If the people have no say, then it isn’t social ownership. Vanguardism can claim it’s a step towards socialism, but until power is decentralized somehow it’s just state capitalism.
Vanguardism is democratic.