this post was submitted on 04 Jul 2022
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Leftist Infighting: A community dedicated to allowing leftists to vent their frustrations

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The purpose of this community is sort of a "work out your frustrations by letting it all out" where different leftist tendencies can vent their frustrations with one another and more assertively and directly challenge one another. Hostility is allowed, but any racist, fascist, or reactionary crap wont be tolerated, nor will explicit threats.

founded 5 years ago

is his opinion on Land Back, with i will put an link here where he explains his opinion in a more clear way; long history short, he is not against giving land back for the natives, he is pro-landback, but he points out that there is actually 2 land backs; LandbackTM (corporate bs wanting to make money on the natives cause) vs massline Landback (land reform that respects self-determination, treaties, and nature aka actual anti-colonization). He is pointing out how the first one is basically using an much more agressive and corporative view, that is just tainting the movement reputation, much like how corporations make money on race problems or lgbt-rights, doing extremelly ofensive "representations" that just taint the movement as an whole. I think i explained enough stuff about caleb, but i will also put a little more thought on the setler issue quickly: Basically some people misinterpretated something me and Saddam said about the situation on Palestine and Isnt'Real, where when we told how the Israeli population should not support the colonization of palestine, because its not on their best interests EVEN if they get "free land" for their suport. Why should they not support them? because as we all know as marxists, the land is not trully being gived to the israeli population, you see, an funny bearded german guy talked about this 180 years ago, and he said that "the burgeoise own all means of production, and the working class only has their own work value, so they sell it to the burgeoise at bare minimun prices imposed by the burgeoise so they dont starve" very simple right? So in this case, the burgeoise might look like they are giving land, but they are creating an artificial burgeoise at best, why would they give free land for the filthy peasants just for some public support am i right? They are mostly using the israeli population to quickin the process of full colonization of palestine, so if the palestinians revide on any type of way, the xionist midia will flip it as "the barbarian muslins killing our poor white civilians, we need apartheid state now reeeeee!!!!", but when they are able to take the land from the palestinians, they will eventually take the land back from the israelis because of the falling rate of proffit, where when the burgeoise starts making more and more money over the means of production stolen from the palestinians, the israelli workers will not make more money, they will in fact start losing money, and when they are bankrupted by their low wages and increasingly higher prices, they will start losing their land to the burgeoise, with only a few rich burgeoise and petty burgeoise that moved there from the start actually keeping the land, thus creating an artificial burgeoise, getting rid of the palestinians AND taking everything from Israelli workers, three rabits on a single shot, this is why this white supremacist paradise the burgeoise is marketing is not going to last, because capitalism is not going to last because it is not susteinable. Now, some people said that the israellis being coerced into the colonisation will actually keep getting money because Israel will aways be funded by the US and will keep stealing from the countries around it, like syria, Lebanon, etc, and thats because Israel is an imperialist state, with is true for the time being, it is not going to last, like everything capitalism makes us thing it will succed, it awys fails horribly after enough time, imperialism is not susteinable, apartheids are not susteinable, because there is just enough popular apeasing souless capitalist monsters can bother to do to keep their own population in check before its start not being enough, imperialism is agressive towards other countries, and apartheids are agressive towards the majority of the native population, Israel might have looked like the winning side an decade or two ago, but the US eventually will stop giving money, and eventually the countries around it will not support Israel prescense anymore, and eventually the palestinian population will get even more agressive towards the invaders, and eventually even the israelli population will not support their countries actions, like many israellis that are pro-palestine already do (ironically, the most orthodox and conservative jews are some of the most anti-xionists out there, because their own religion says that Israel will only, and should only, be formed on the prophet comes back, so Israel existence is against the judaic religion as an whole), Israel is eventually going to collapse like every apartheid and imperialist state do, and when it collapses, there will not be enough apeasement of the xionists to convince the population that colonialism is still good. An other thing i see debated on this topic is: what should we do with the settler population living on the natives land? Well, its quite simple, we move enough them to other parts of the country (with help and remuneration of the state) and give enough land to the native population live in peace. On the case of Israel, a lot of xionist scum moved there to enjoy an easy life on their apartheid state wet dream, those people can fuck off, xionists are getting kicked out, but the normal israeli population can just be moved to their respective place (where they should have stayed when Israel was created) and the palestinians can keep the land that is rightfully theirs, and of course, be remunerated by because of the damage imperialism did to them. All right, i think i got everything from this issue, lets continue.

What the fuck is an Patsoc? Well it is an very shaddy question, as almost everyone here dont have an actual idea of what they are, but from what ive seem from Infrared and Caleb Maupin, with dont actually call themselves patsocs, this is an buzzword used to shame other mls you disagree with, basically an ml version of the word "tankie", what most people here are reffering to when they talk about "patsocs" is or Caleb and Infrared (and just those 2 lol) or are some weird assholes from twitter that are saying dumb shit (classic twitter that we aways make fun of) but somehow those 2 different things, that are 2 communist activists on one side, and twitter nobodys on the other, somehow got related to each other. Now i have talked about Caleb, so i will now talk about infrared; he is an very intense person, and has some weird takes from time to time, but he is not an fascist, or an revisionist, like caleb, he tries to reach the more conservative and liberal population by baiting them with conservative simbols, he is not an rascist, he doesnt hate lgbt people, he is not pro-colonization, he is not any of the things actual fascists are, he is just an communist that uses traditional and conservative talking points to talk with traditional and conservative parts of society, just like caleb. You can say they are flawed, that their methods are flawed, it is fine, but stop lying for fuck sake, stop using words that are not meaning what they should, please actually try to hear what they have to say before making an goddamn idealist purge, and stop using this fucking buzzword and this artificial creation of an "massive evil organization of revisionists we need to fight at all costs", its literally 2 dudes, its not an organization, its not an ideology, so please stop with this infantile ideological purge! its exactly lack of communication and understanding of what one side of comrades is saying to the other is what creates useless discussion that is not leading to nothing besides infighting and hate towards eachother. Now, continuing to the next point...

What is patriotism (from an ML-pov)? Patriotism is love for the country, plain and simple, but, we as mls aways make fun of capitalist patriots because they are loving something that hates them, and their love for the country is blinding them from the fact that the burgeoise is scamming then. Now, if capitalist patriotism is bad, then what is communist patriotism then? We are of course, the bigger patriots, we are ready to fight against an ruthless sistem and unite the masses to save our countries from destruction that capitalism brings, but if we are patriots and communists on capitalist nations, how can we exist? Well, its simple, we dont love the burgeoise state, we love the raw country, the people that live on it, the core of it, not the burgeoise on power, we want to kick out the burgeoise and create an socialist state, but an state is not what defines an country, it is what guides and represent the country, the people are the country, our job as patriots to love our people, our country, to liberate them from capitalism as guide them to a better future, we need to help our country by getting ridden of the traitorous burgeoise destroying it for self proffit, and install an ploretarian dictatorship, where the people, the country, is on control of things through the state. This is what patriotism is, love for the country, love for the people, not love for the state. Continuing now to the hardest thing of this entire rant...

(Caption limit again (damn this got big) please use the last part to talk about the situation, and to read about my last issue...)

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