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OK, and so that means you can't say 1 bad thing about China? That makes no sense, especially in our circles. I understand defending China when talking with liberals or conservatives, cause they have no right criticizing China when they support systems that are 20x times worse and more cruel.
But I don't understand why a leftist shouldn't be able to bring up the number of billionaires in China, for example, when talking to other leftists without being labeled as some sort of traitor or propagandist or some other dumb bullshit. "They have less and more regulated billionaires than the U.S." -- yeah, I think that's awesome, I would still prefer if billionaires didn't exist though. And me saying that doesn't mean I'm equating China to the U.S.
Or human rights -- yeah, I know and constantly criticize the U.S. on their human rights violations -- what kind of hypocrite would I be if then I stay silent or just says "well, the U.S. is worse" when China is brought up. Fuck that.
Leftists that don't support American/western bullshit should absolutely have a right to level reasonable criticism towards China or any Marxist country.
You're acting like I'm putting my criticism of China above criticism of the U.S. and other countries when that is clearly not what I said. I said I support China, but that shouldn't mean complete blindness and absolute support in absolutely every fragment of their rule.
I should be allowed to think their economic system isn't perfect without getting berated that "you just don't get it, it's all part of the plan man, just wait a few more years, you'll see." I'm not calling for the destruction of Chinese communism or saying the U.S.'s system is better for fucks sake.
What is this even supposed to mean???
Because you're allowed to criticize stuff you support dude. What, if China tomorrow started, I don't know, killing gay people for example, should I just not talk about it ever?? Come on, don't be such babies. Or if you have a friend that you love and support, is it a sin to criticize them or call them out when they're doing something bad?