Hello new community members!
Please feel free to post links to YouTube VODs, twitch clips, or even upload meme images. Discussion posts are welcome as well.
Bear in mind, we are very small right now, so you may not get many responses, but as of this posting there are 12 of us.
I will try to post video links to keep you all in the loop as I have been, but please feel free to beat me to the punch!
If you'd like to participate in posting video links, you may do so however you like, but I recommend just putting the video title as the post title and then if it is from the fullsauce channel, add [Full Sauce]
to the front. Maybe add a comment in the body relevant to the video if you watched it already.
Anyway, cheers and I look forward to interacting with you all!
Welcome to the Melpiverse.
i beg of you melpert