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Ignore socialism for one moment
China developed from sub saharan African conditions only 40 years ago
They went from feudalism and a century of humiliation before the Chinese Communists came to power in 1949
Prior to 1949 the life expectancy was 35
20 years under Mao this had doubled to 70 years old
Since 1979 China has not been in a war and has gone from said sub saharan African conditions to a space faring civilisation landing on the far side of the moon and putting rovers on Mars
They did this without the hyper exploitation of colonies and wars of imperialism for conquests of booty
The Chinese people know what life was like a generation ago - their parenta tell them. The Communist Party of China enjoys a 89% approval rating of Chinese people precisely because they've lifted up the greatest number of humans out of poverty in such a short period of time
For that alone China should be praised daily by the world proletariat and the world socialist movement in the face of the most reactionary and murderous regime the world has ever seen (US and its puppets in Nato)
We can, of course, get onto comradely critiques of whether China is in socialism, whether they have succumbed to revisionism etc.
But we can only do that, as far as im concerned, when youve said your ten hail marys to China and thanked the CCP for it's unbelievable sprint of humanity it has done for the human race since 1949
So what was Tibet then?
You guys are never taken seriously because to buy off on any of this is to openly discredit reality.
Those African ports the Chinese are funding, I’m sure they’re just going to give them back to those African countries with a thank you?
What about Taiwan?
Hong Kong?
The Uyghurs?
Finally someone said it!
Isn't this a discussion about China's socialism/communism?
Do you say this about the Western neoliberalism/democracy when the US army is waterboarding/bombing middle eastern people?
I agree with almost all of what you've said. Except quoting a approval rating from a one party state that you could possibly be imprisoned or otherwise punished for disapproving of.