this post was submitted on 25 Nov 2024
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There aren't many of the classics I haven't watched to death.

Farscape, I have seen too many times. The re-imagined BSG is my all time favourite, I have seen it more than too many times.

Right now, I am watching TOS. It is good. After that, I have been considering seeing the first three seasons of Andromeda again, or continue with B5 after the shadow war, which I haven't seen since I was young. DS9 is an option, because I have only watched the whole thing once.

My preference is for ship-based shows, but a space station will do in a pinch.

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Thanks. Some, I have seen. Some, I didn't like. I will have a look at the others.

Stargate Atlantis was great, saw all of them fairly recently. Started with the film, through SG-1, Atlantis (in story order), and finishing with SG:U. As a BSG fan, SGU's obvious copy of that show was too much for me when it was new. As the years have passed though, I can enjoy it as its own thing. I wish it had more than two seasons.