this post was submitted on 14 Nov 2024
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they're not ashamed and they're gearing up to do it again so it begs the question: how do you drive away the people who are responsible into obscurity when they're the ones that are in charge?
It's starts on the ground. It can't be two ways. If the Russians and other country's can push messaging out through social media and have these massive returns like we see with Trump then we can send messaging out too. It takes at most the same amount of people that absorb these toxic messages to send back one of hope. I've spent so much time in the last 8 years arguing. It's fruitless. Not entirely fruitless because it's so clear to me now the types of tactics these assholes use to exhaust and obsfucate good practical messaging.
What does that mean. It means you stop arguing. I stop arguing. It means we are out here "yes anding" the messages we like and we are ignoring the people who want to pick us apart. Learn that block button. Once they turn to the dark side of being so entrenched in some idea that they refuse to "yes and" they are wasting energy you could be out there lifting another poster up.
That's the ground game. We have to overwhelm conflict with unity.