Late Stage Capitalism
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Well it doesn't. Because the people distributing and in charge will always get more. See that's my issue with communist having grown up around communist regimes. It works great on paper but ignore the fact that humans are greedy and selfish and once they're in power, will abuse it.
Things weren't so equal in places like Cuba when the Communists took over. Everyone gets the same, except me cause I'm in charge, and my family, and my friends.... It just devolves into human greed.
I prefer the old Roman model where the rich were expected to provide free services to the poor, and if they didn't do their duty, the government just killed them and distributed their money.
this person claims to have grown up under a "communist regime" where he and his friends were "raped", but if you look at his comment history you will find many comments that contradict that. do not believe any anecdotes he shares.