this post was submitted on 27 Oct 2024
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東京ディズニー The fusion of Disney & Japan
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founded 5 months ago
Personally, I doubt it.
OLC hasn't even removed the Bride Auction from Pirates of the Caribbean, despite overhauling the ride in 2007 to add Johnny Depp animatronics and Pirates film franchise theming. They don't care that Westerners are offended by Song of the South, Japanese fans LOVE Splash Mountain as it is and it still has one of the longest standby lines in the park.
Every single time I have walked past that gift shop, there has been no one there. No one. Except for the poor sales clerk that drew the short straw and has to stand there doing nothing for six hours. I think it earns next to zero revenue for the park and it makes no sense to continue operating it.