this post was submitted on 17 Oct 2024
108 points (96.6% liked)

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[–] MimicJar 18 points 3 months ago

I was excited about the idea of a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, so I hope they don't just undo the previous film.

Far From Home set up Peter having to deal with being revealed as Spider-Man, but then No Way Home undid it. They did explore it during the film, and undoing it was the main plot, but they ultimately undid it.

At the end of No Way Home Peter made a sacrifice. I think it's important for Peter to live with that choice, at least for a little while. I think Peter needs a film alone before he tries to reunite with MJ & Ned.

Also, MJ & Ned are going to MIT, or at least the Boston area. They need to follow through with that decision.

Spider-Man 4 should be about Peter learning that you can't just live life without friends and family. Spider-Man 5 should be about Peter visiting/living in Boston for at least a short while. Then Spider-Man 6 can have them all back in NYC with a little time skip and tackling something big, Avengers level threat together (team up with whomever).