this post was submitted on 14 Oct 2024
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[–] MimicJar 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I remember in the second (?) episode Teen gets a phone call from "Boyf" which, apart from the obvious reason of Billy being canonically gay, I assumed meant that Teen had a life before he visited Westview.

I suppose it's possible "Teen" is Billy Maximoff, and doesn't realize that Billy Kaplan died, so he's just living life as normal. Maybe as part of the spell he sees himself as Billy Kaplan.

[–] HomerianSymphony 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

I think the Teen has been Billy Maximoff for about three years (since the end of Wandavision).

The car crash happened during WandaVision. Teen looks out the car window and sees the Hex around Westview.

[–] MimicJar 2 points 4 months ago

I watched it again (a few times) and you're right.

We have "Billy" in the back seat, driving with (presumably) "Billy's Mom" right next to the Eastview sign. "Billy" sees the hex and then shouts "Mom". The car narrowly avoids another car and then smashes into a tree.

I'm guessing "Billy" and "Mom" die, making dead "Billy" our missing Billy Kaplan, and hex Billy jumps into dead Billy, turning into Billy Maximoff. Billy Maximoff then spends the next few years in Eastview. But then did Billy not age?

I have many questions. I guess I'll keep watching.