Do you consider war crimes, mass murderand sending in our troops to assist in a far right wing colonial war -- all done with our tax dollars to be a "single issue" like... school vouchers or Amtrak funding? It seems a very dishonest or at best an inaccurate method to weigh issues against each other.
I mean their single issue is Harris supports murdering their friends and family via her Israel proxy. If you're going to have a single issue to decide your vote I can't think of a better one.
Personally Harris lost my vote for two main reasons:
her continued support of genocide. while its true israel has a right to defend itself, it doesn't have a right to support of the US while doing so. we have laws on the books for this precise reason and they need to be enforced.
her unwillingness to commit to supporting labor. won't commit to khan, will likely happily break a striking union whenever she can as evidenced by the train union and wouldn't have 'changed a thing' comment.
There are a bunch of other things I could overlook but not those two. I jokingly sent my friend a message yesterday.
God it amazes me to watch a candidate who is part of a historically low approval admin go 'im not wrong its the voters who are wrong'. repeatedly.
my friends response? 'I can't tell which candidate you're talking about' which was precisely my point.
yeah man I wonder why they don't support that
If this is a joke, it's a very bad one. If it isn't, good luck on pulling your head out of your ass.
Do you consider war crimes, mass murderand sending in our troops to assist in a far right wing colonial war -- all done with our tax dollars to be a "single issue" like... school vouchers or Amtrak funding? It seems a very dishonest or at best an inaccurate method to weigh issues against each other.
I mean their single issue is Harris supports murdering their friends and family via her Israel proxy. If you're going to have a single issue to decide your vote I can't think of a better one.
Personally Harris lost my vote for two main reasons:
There are a bunch of other things I could overlook but not those two. I jokingly sent my friend a message yesterday.
my friends response? 'I can't tell which candidate you're talking about' which was precisely my point.