this post was submitted on 12 Jul 2023
11 points (100.0% liked)

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Hey guys, I've been making the discussion threads for Secret Invasion. I plan to do this for every series coming up as well as the movies as they premier. There was some discussion about spoilers in the most recent thread and I wanted to see what you guys think.

It seems on desktop spoiler tags work fine and hide the content but on Voyager/WefWef as well as many of the 3rd party apps they don't work so I wanted to see what you guys think we should do. Currently I have just marked the whole thread as Spoilers since most everyone seems to be joining in after watching. But some have mentioned having it be spoiler free.

I have 3 options I'm thinking of.

  1. Mark the whole thread as spoilers
  2. Make the thread spoiler free but use tags for any spoilers
  3. Make 2 separate threads, one for spoilers (Post watch discussion) and one spoiler free (pre watch/speculation)

What do you guys think? And thanks so much for taking part in the discussion! It's one of the main reasons I became a mod here because I love to read everyone's impressions. I'm a couple episodes behind but I'll join in more once I get caught up.

EDIT: Ok seems like most everyone feels like discussion threads are expected to have spoilers. But to appease those that disagree, I think starting next week I will start making two threads. Hopefully that will encourage more engagement as well. Thanks everyone!

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[–] MaverickWolf 4 points 2 years ago

What are we considering spoilers?