did anyone else from the USA grow up being forced to say the pledge to the flag in school?
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I went to elementary school in the late 60s and early 70s and yes, we said the pledge every day. I didn't think anything about it back then.
As a Boy Scout in the mid 70s, we said the pledge at every meeting. Again, I gave it no thought.
In the 90s, I was in a Ham Radio club and they said it before every meeting. I found it odd, but went along with them.
In the last few years, I joined the local HOG (Harley Owners Group) chapter and they said it before every meeting. Now I'm beginning to question why, as an adult in a seemingly innocuous club, am I supposed to pledge my allegiance to the flag. This isn't the military, there's no reason for it.
If you're wanting me to say the pledge to the flag, you're just wanting me to show my patriotism and that word is about as vile to me now as a racial slur.
If I ever find myself in an organization that wants me to stand and recite the pledge, I'll be walking out the door.