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At some point you have to take a stance and explain your stance. That is what she has failed to do. She jumps from one stance to the next stance to the next stance.
I am a Republican but I hate fracking. It jacks up the water supply. I am big on the environment and if someone has a compelling platform, I could vote for that.
If you like the environment, you need to stop voting for Republicans, full stop.
The other guy's stance on fracking is Drill, baby, drill!
That her stance as well. SHe wants to continue fracking. I am not a single-issue voter either. Most of her ideas will screw up the economy as well.
There's a big difference between "I won't ban it" and "drill baby drill". It has a lot to do with those backrooms and conveyor belts I was talking about earlier, but the short version is: She probably would if she could, but if she says that, a bunch of frackers in Pennsylvania won't vote for her because they are single issue voters.
That's the puzzling thing about conservatives - the utter inability or unwillingness to discern anything as other than binary, black or white. Harris isn't going to ban fracking overnight, sure. That would be economically uintenable. On the other hand, the velveeta treason weasel would eagerly sell out national parks to allow fracking.