[AMA] 2024-08-07 session: reply to this post to ask questions about everything you want
This community is dedicated to the discussion about the Raccoon for Lemmy mobile app. Raccoon is an open source app powered by Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) and Compose Multiplatform (CMP) which intends not only to provide a mobile client for Lemmy, but also to create a space where users' voice is listened to, and we grow together by exchanging opinions.
source directory;We believe that Lemmy has a lot of potential and part of its success depends on users being able to enjoy the experience on robust and well-done clients. Moreover, encouraging discussion between people is important to develop a healthy and tolerant society where everyone's right and freedom are safeguarded. To know more, have a look at the Procyon Project's manifesto.
The joke used to be 'How Long is a China man's name' but this way it's hopefully a bit less offensive.