Music Theory
A community to discuss the technical workings of music.
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3. No homework help on specific assignments. It is against the Academic Honesty Policy of most schools and courses. Our subscribers generally dislike this kind of behavior. Please ask your IRL teacher/tutor for homework help instead. It's important that we get such posts taken down ASAP, so in addition to reporting, please report such posts.
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What @quixotic120 said.
You can look at what they do in music school by searching for musicianship/aural skills syllabi.
These are the usual topics (more or less in the order they are introduced, but about halfway through become simultaneous):
Keep in mind that you'll do these with a concurrent course in theoretical topics.
I should also emphasize that having a good command of theory is of tremendous help to developing your ear; a lot of what we do, especially for hard-to-hear things like inner voices in a thick texture, is logical inference based on things we know. There's a video by Sean Wilson that demonstrates this nicely.
That Sean Wilson video is a perfect demonstration of what I felt about thoroughbass. Seems to tell me these truths underlying the skill of an improviser remain between jazz or gospel and baroque. I think it indicates all musicians should attempt some of that even if they're not a composer or not a performer, because it helps musicianship so much.