this post was submitted on 05 Jul 2024
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[–] Martinphipps 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Disney is back to funding conservative politicians again

I don't know where you are getting this. Disney representatives specifically spoke out against Desantis and his Parental Rights in Education bill and are not funding him and are explicitly supporting the Democrats in Florida. In any case, Marvel itself has always been "woke" with characters like Black Panther, Luke Cage, War Machine and the Falcon. They even had a "Secret Empire" storyline in Captain America that implied that Nixon was involved with Hydra.

[–] Fades 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Here you are

But as soon as Disney announced it was cutting off the politicians, the politicians attacked, making it clear that if Disney wouldn’t pay, the politicians weren’t going to play.

Well, Disney is apparently paying again. As the Sentinel reported last week, State Sen. Geraldine Thompson acknowledged Disney was helping sponsor a fundraiser for her re-election campaign.

I suppose it’s possible that Disney will be more selective about its future donations and refuse to fund politicians who espouse values that run counter to the ones the company claims to have. But I doubt it. Especially since some of the same GOP politicians who spent the last two years demonizing Disney seem eager to start cashing their checks again.

Florida Politics reported last month that GOP party chairman Evan Powers was ready to move past the anti-Disney ruckus, saying he “always believed that Disney will come back to the table.” And DeSantis recently did Disney a big favor when he decided to put his former staffer — the one who’d worked with Disney lobbyists behind the scenes to do the company favors — in charge of the theme park’s government district.

Keep in mind: DeSantis previously accused Disney of “sexualizing” children and being cozy with the “Communist Party of China.” But now he’s doing the company favors and issuing statements that say he wants to help the company promote “family-friendly tourism.”

Money seems to solve all sorts of relationship problems in politics — which is precisely why we all knew Disney would start dishing it out again. And why I expect to see the company dish a lot more to the powerful pols who want it. Otherwise, the company may find itself being labeled communist pedophiles again.

[–] Martinphipps 0 points 7 months ago

Geraldine Thompson

Geraldine Thompson | Democrat for Senate District 15 Geraldine Thompson from Meet Geraldine Thompson. I am Geraldine F. Thompson, and in 2020 I was re-elected to serve as the Representative to the 44th District of the Florida House ...