this post was submitted on 27 Jun 2024
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[–] [email protected] 170 points 2 days ago (21 children)

Currently we are about 10 minutes into the debate.

Trump is confidently stating lie after lie after lie, basically the condensed version of his recent speeches main lies.

Biden on the other hand is saying things that are far closer to true, but he is mumbling and has already trailed off and forgot what he was talking about.

We are doomed.

[–] Fredselfish 63 points 2 days ago (18 children)

Are you serious? Biden couldn't keep his shit together for one fucking debate?

[–] [email protected] 71 points 2 days ago (6 children)

I think it was his third time speaking... he was answering one question on one topic and basically accidentally started talking about something else and then was visibly confused as he realized he was making no sense.

I am legitimately going to need to read a transcript of this to figure out wtf he was talking about half the time.

Like... Biden was just asked if his age would impact his presidency.

His response was to mumble about being the youngest person in politics originally, and uh we are building more chip fab plants, and America is awesome.

Trump is now answering the same question and is actually staying on topic for his entire answer though he's lying a bit.

And Joe just went back to mumbling about how Trump is actually 6 foot 4, or 6 foot 5, or well anyway he couldnt carry his bag while golfing.

Yeah... Biden is very much coming across as a near senile grandpa and Trump is coming across far more well composed.

[–] Iheartcheese 7 points 2 days ago (1 children)
[–] timewarp 14 points 2 days ago

The fact that Trump jumped on that so quickly while Biden sounded like he couldn't even remember his scripted debate prep means he needs to step aside. The press should be asking him at this point why he wants Trump to win the election.

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