this post was submitted on 26 Jun 2024
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Centralization is bad for everyone everywhere.

That bring said... I just moved my homeserver to another city... and I plugged in the power, then I plugged in the ethernet, and that was the whole shebang.

Tunnels made it very easy. No port forwarding no dns configuration no firewall fiddling no nothing.

Why do they have to make it so so easy...

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[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Well, centralization and giving up your freedoms, letting someone else control you, is always kinda easy. Same applies to all the other big tech companies and their platforms. I'd say it applies to other aspects of life, too.

And I'd say it's not far off from the usual setup. If you had a port forward and DynDns like lots of people have, the Dns would automatically update, you'd need to make sure the port forward is activated if you got a new router, but that's pretty much it.

But sure. if it's too inconvenient to put in the 5 minutes of effort it requires to set up port forwarding everytime you move, I also don't see an alternative to tunneling. Or you'd need to pay for a VPS.