this post was submitted on 26 Jun 2024
80 points (90.0% liked)

Activist Art Gallery

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A place to share activist and polemical art (visual and textual art with a critical social message).

Didactic, informatively conceptual arts imply collective action, encouraging us to make the world a better place.

Street art, murals, stickers, zines, and other forms of eye-catching arts can be shared with others and discussed here.

You may include photos of your own or other's artworks displayed in public.

Art opposing the Right Wing is the so far the most popular.

Enjoy! Looking forward to seeing and discussing what is shared!

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[โ€“] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Guns, Butter, and Growth: The Consequences of Military Spending Reconsidered

[...] military spending, social spending, the economy, tax revenue, debt, and the money supply are all related to one another. This implies statistical models that estimate the effect of military spending on social spending or on the economy without considering the ways in which these variables affect and are affected by one another likely are misspecified.

[...] we find that military spending has a nonlinear effect on economic growth that varies over time. Increasing military spending leads to significantly lower GDP growth in the first three to six months following the increase and then significantly higher economic growth starting approximately one year after the increase.

Oversimplification leads to bad conclusions.

[โ€“] lightscription 0 points 4 days ago

How is "this" an oversimplification exactly? Yes, there is an interrelationship between the factors you quote. Yes, short-term spending on the military might improve the economy initially, but, like the quote says, the effect is nonlinear and inhibits growth in the long run.

Your quote supports rather than refutes the claim of this activist infographic. I would have to delve deeper into their sourcing, but the position is still strong overall.

Instead of using war to stimulate the economy, a Green New Deal could and the benefit would be sustained long term. It just takes large-scale leadership.