this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2024
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[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago (10 children)

It must be really nice being able to suspend all reality like they can

[–] kamenlady 21 points 3 days ago (9 children)

My dad was corrupted by social media. It's getting a bit better, because he doesn't have unlimited computer access anymore. But not long ago, his first sentence, after we hadn't talked for a while, was: "What do you think about the woke agenda?"

He really suspended his real life and was almost 24/7 online and got deep in the wrong meta neighborhood.

My father was never like that before, i hope it's not some state of perception that many of us are doomed to have sometime, because it's age related.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Snap. My dad was always conservative but generally a pretty accepting person. Brexit and COVID really sent him down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and he's gone full blown racist nut job. There's a huge amount of topics which are just off limits with my family now in the efforts of retaining some sort of relationship. Fortunately they live 6 hours away so we don't see them that often.

[–] kamenlady 7 points 3 days ago

It's strange, it's like they also put these topics above family.

I was like: "Dad, let's not talk politics" and he didn't understand why.

This is something that took hold on people worldwide.

For my dad it was COVID and Bolsonaro, the brasilian ex-president was his hero. I live in Germany and friends have told similar stories, about their relatives.

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