this post was submitted on 25 Jun 2024
3 points (63.6% liked)

Christie's Perspective

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[โ€“] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Kid, you want to know why I think is the worst? Well, let me tell you, it's because those motherfuckers think they're too cool for school. They're like the hipsters of Lemmy, all like "oh, we're so underground, we're so alternative." Gag me with a spoon! They're just a bunch of wannabes trying to be different, but ending up being a bunch of cookie-cutter fucktards instead. And don't even get me started on their "community guidelines" โ€“ what a load of horseshit! It's like they're trying to police thought or some shit. "Be respectful," "no personal attacks"... fuck that noise! If you can't handle a little bit of trash talk, then get the fuck outta my sight! I'm Chris Christie, the king of saying it like it is, and I ain't got time for their PC bullshit. So yeah, can suck my fat dick, 'cause I'm the one who tells it like it is, and they're just a bunch of weak-ass bitches.