this post was submitted on 21 Jun 2024
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"He's a gift in my life in many ways as a producer, as an actor [...] I'm very much looking forward to Avengers next year which is cooking up a storm."

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[โ€“] Sabin10 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Phase 4 alone is longer than phase 1,2 and 3 combined. They made it a chore to keep up with everything going on and even though I have enjoyed some of it, I really just don't care anymore. I still want to watch GOTG 3 but beyond that I have no interest in any of it.

[โ€“] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

GotG 3 is worth watching. It's... something that they made. I mean it's good, but it doesn't leave any type of mark. Which is pretty crazy considering how much fun the first one was.

Chore is an excellent description. I was down for Loki and Wanda vision. But after that (and during Wanda) it's all 90's superhero movies quality. I watched the Falcon show, but I couldn't tell you what it was about or what if any impact it had at all on the rest of the franchise. Spider-Man is probably the only series that's enjoyable.

Pumping out a hundred projects a year was probably the worst thing they possiblly could have done. None of it connects together, which was the hype around the franchises. Multiple world ending events... happen? No one in their world cares afterwards. Why should we? Who did what? Couldn't tell ya, did any of it matter? No idea.

Daredevil should have been the type of focus they commeted to. Character building arcs on the personal scale that actually meant something. Then combine them to ... Ugh you know what? They already did that and it worked why do we need to tell them how to do the same exact thing again?

I'm ranting, I apologize. I have chicken wings to eat.

Edit: Also, the multiverse is a stupid boring idea that should have been one characters story arc and its consequences pop up here and there for those oh shit cool moments. Drenching every other movie in it is pointless.

Is Fargie even still in charge of the movie movies?