Save The Echo Bunker!
Post your stories about being banned from Echo Bunker communities here.
NOTE: Not everyone has the same sense of humor. In fact, it is quite apparent that some people have no sense of humor at all and that some toxic communities and echo bunkers REALLY hate it when their attempts to silence those who don't agree with them fail because they forgot that those people can just make fun of them outside of their echo bunkers. Those toxic communities will come here and continue to argue but will become more and more frustrated because they can't silence us here.
So...for those of you to whom it isn't ABUNDANTLY clear (please look up Dunning Kruger) this sub is for making fun of those toxic echo bunker communities and subreddits. If you can't take a joke then this might not be the sub for you.
AND...if you're a member of one of those toxic echo bunker communities and come here to try to defend those toxic echo bunker communities please do expect to me made fun of. We're here for you.
ALSO...really lean into those completely meaningless downvotes. It's fucking hysterical that you think that they make any difference at all here.
This sub only has three rules.
- This sub is for making fun of toxic echo bunker communities that remove comments that don't conform to the orthodoxy and ban anyone who doesn't agree with the group think.
98. Don't be a dick.
- The mod(s) has/have the final say.
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Is that a straw man or an ad hominem?
Either way is a fucking weak comment.
Do better.
This kind of toxicity is what got you banned from reddit. Can't you just do your little hobby and let others do it as they want?
It must be really stressful to go through life so angry.
You have clearly misinterpreted the intent of this community and my position on these things. (I've edited the sidebar to make it more clear.) I think it's fucking hysterical that the toxic soap decorating crowd banned me. I mistook r/soapmaking for a sub that would include, you know, people who make soap. I wanted to talk about recipes and processes, successes and failures, but got perfume and sparkles instead. I laughed when they got butt hurt because I didn't accept the group think that they were making soap as opposed to buying soap that other people made and adding smells and sparkles to it.
I'm not "throwing a temper tantrum", I'm laughing in their faces and sharing my amusement. I'm sorry you're so fragile and defensive.
That phrase doesn't go well with:
You're projecting, and yup. I can see why they banned you, whether you were right or not.
Walk away from your computer. You're going to have an aneurysm.
Yup. Projecting.
I just noticed you're the mod of this community. I hope it takes off with better content.
It will probably shrivel up and die within a few days but that's ok. It's achieved it's intended goal.
its* intended goal.
Shit. Yes. Thanks.
Wait... You made this sub because you got banned from Reddit? This entire place is so you can cry about being banned for your toxicity?
No, I made it because I got banned by c/vegan on Lemmy along with a bunch of other people who responded to a post that came up in All so that I could make fun of them. I just added the two stories from Reddit because they are also funny.
I'm sorry that you misunderstood.
You get banned through no fault of your own many places you go, huh?
lol that's a yes.
Danth's Law for the win.
I was rooting for you, but now I don't know, man.
I mean, "...temper tantrum..." could be either a straw man (I'm making fun of them, not raging about them so the comment could be a disingenuous attempt to bait me into addressing the straw man rather that a genuine comment on my satirical position) or it could be an ad hominem (attacking me instead of my comment.)
I think it's fucking hysterical that they then accused me of projecting when it seems to be them that is throwing a temper tantrum because they don't like the fact that I won't accept that soap decorating and soap making are the same thing. They're butt hurt. They called me toxic twice, suggested that I was throwing a temper tantrum, and said I was projecting. At this point I don't give a shit what they say and I'm just winding them up for fun.