this post was submitted on 08 Jun 2024
155 points (94.8% liked)

US Authoritarianism

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Hello, I am researching American crimes against humanity. . This space so far has been most strongly for memes, and that's fine.

There's other groups and you are welcome to add to them. USAuthoritarianism Linktree

See Also, my website. be advised at time of writing it is basically just a donate link

Cool People: [email protected]

founded 3 months ago
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[–] Garbanzo 45 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

Irvine might be the worst place in the country for weird authoritarian bullshit. I'm not super well traveled, but it's the creepiest place I've ever been. You can't go anywhere without being reminded that it belongs to the Irvine Company or that you're subject to weirdly particular HOA rules.

[–] STRIKINGdebate2 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Ngl, if some HOA weirdo was getting on my case for existing in a way they didn't I'd just box them in the face. Like seriously, I can't believe the way that people let those HOA people act.

[–] ChicoSuave 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

HOAs are a way to judge how much shit the average person can tolerate before they get violent. The entire enterprise hangs on neighbors reporting neighbors with and the distrust that it fosters.

When people collectively tell HOAs to fuck off, corporate America will be worried.

[–] STRIKINGdebate2 3 points 2 weeks ago

Thankfully, in my country they aren't really a thing (could be a thing in southside Dublin though) . But yeah if your hoa is like that then you probably need to more than just words

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